Posted on Tuesday, 17ᵗʰ September, 2024

The Older Person’s Advocacy Network, OPAN recently summarised the findings of the 2023 aged care Quality Commission survey which was based on hundreds of interviews with people in aged care. One of the key issues identified was concerns about was food.
Unilever Food Solutions attended their latest webinar to understand the findings which we have outlined below.
As individuals, we often make basic assumptions in relation to the food we eat and the level of choice we have when it comes to our meals. When this fundamental right is challenged, which often happens in aged care, it can significantly impact overall wellbeing.
OPAN’s report identified seven key elements when it comes to creating a positive dining experience in aged care. These were:
- Having familiar or flavoured foods, with a focus on fresh
- Food delivery and service processes that maximise timeliness and temperature
- Regular events and occasions that celebrate food
- A homelike and social environment
- Staff quantity
- Quality of training for staff
- Resident participation in food experience

Food and nutrition - Standard 6
To align with the Charter of aged care Rights, the Australian Government is increasing the capability and accountability of residential aged care providers to ensure they provide older people with nutritious meals and snacks.
A Food and Nutrition Standard - Standard 6, applies under the recently strengthened Aged care quality standards. Standard 6 specifies, older people should receive plenty of food and drinks they enjoy, and their meals are nutritious, appetising, safe and relevant to their needs and preferences.
As explained in this fact sheet, a person receiving care should be able to make informed choices about what they eat and how they dine, and their choices be treated with dignity and respect.
Resources for aged care chefs, kitchen and dining staff
The aged care Quality and Safety Commission is responsible for ensuring aged care providers meet their obligations to deliver proper food, nutrition and dining experiences.
To address challenges related to food, nutrition, and dining in aged care, the Commission has established a dedicated hotline (1800 844 044) and produced resources for aged care providers, workers, and older people receiving care, which address priority areas.
These resources, which include videos and fact sheets, can be helpful for aged care chefs seeking more information about food, nutrition and aged care standards.
Overcoming challenges to meet aged care standards
Following the recent ABC documentary, Maggie’s Big Mission, in a follow up webinar with OPAN, renowned Australian chef and aged care advocate, Maggie Beer spoke about introducing buffet-style dining in aged care. Maggie noted this was inexpensive to set up and gave aged care residents an empowering sense of choice, while also fostering a more interactive environment. Buffets encourage residents to make more varied food choices and add important elements such as protein to their diets.
Maggie also spoke about finger food, which can be provided in a way that makes mealtimes easier without residents feeling a loss of dignity.
Resources and recipes from the Maggie Beer Foundation are available for free online.
Collaborating for a better future
Aged care residents and their families are now more empowered to speak up about dissatisfaction with food experiences thanks to fact sheets and self-advocacy toolkits.
Receiving feedback can lead to a more collaborative approach and new ways of serving up meals in order to meet the Standards and foster a greater sense of wellbeing.
The strengthened aged care standards are designed to give clear guidelines to everyone involved, for better outcomes for aged care residents.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is created for inspiration purposes only. It is not intended as clinical, medical or nutritional advice.